Saturday 24 September 2016

Monday 22 August 2016

Wurttemberg Line Infantry

The 1st Infantry Regiment of the Duchy of Wurttemberg.  15mm Figures by AB Miniatures (courtesy of Andy - many thanks again!) except for the standard bearer which is from Chariot Miniatures.

Saturday 28 May 2016

Russian Pavlovsk Grenadiers

For his birthday present this year, Andy requested that I paint him up some 15mm Old Glory miniatures - 2 battalions of the renowned Pavlovsk Grenadiers.  This Russian regiment was famous during the Napoleonic wars for its retention of the old-fashioned 'mitre' caps.  Tsar Alexnader had allowed the Pavlovsk regiment to keep their caps after their bravery at the Battle of Friedland in 1807.  The photo below shows the Grenadiers in action at Kliastitzi during the 1812 campaign (charging from the right and attacking Swiss infantry in Napoleon's army on the left).  In 1813 the regiment was admitted to the Russian Guard.

Although many (though not all of the sources) suggest that only the rank and file wore the mitre caps, with the officers wearing the usual bicornes or shakos, these Old Glory figures show all alike in the mitres, which if nothing else works artistically.

The figures are painted in acrylics and (unusually for me, but to match Andy's large collection) are varnished in matt.  

I particularly like the 'wounded in action' figure

Scale reference

Sunday 22 May 2016

Bavarian Line Infantry

The second battalion of the 5th line infantry regiment.  Essex Miniatures, with Chariot Miniatures officer and drummer.

Friday 1 April 2016

Bavarian Dragoons

The second regiment of Bavarian cavalry for Shako that I've finished; these were a Xmas present from Von (many thanks!).  They're painted as the First Bavarian Regiment of Dragoons from 1809.  The 15mm figures are by Essex Miniatures.

Friday 25 March 2016

Wurttemburg Jaegers

Andy recently kindly gave me a number of battalions of Wurttemburg infantry to add to my collection of Napoleon's German allies.  First up is the 1st battalion of Wurttemburg Jaegers.  These are AB Figures, based as ever for Shako rules with an alternate skirmish stand.

Sunday 28 February 2016

Sunday 31 January 2016

Bavarian Line Infantry

Next up is the first battalion of the Bavarian 5th regiment of the line, resplendent in their sky blue uniforms with pink facings.  The figures are Essex with Chariot officer/standard bearer/drummer and the flag is from Warflag.