Monday 31 August 2015

Bavarian Line Infantry

A second Bavarian line infantry battalion.  Once again 15mm Essex Miniatures with a standard; acrylics with gloss varnish.

Saturday 15 August 2015

Austrian Dragoons

Another completed regiment of Austrian cavalry - in anticipation of refighting the Battle of Eckmuhl at some point in the next year.  These are the 1st 'Erzherzog Johann' Regiment of Dragoons.  The figures are Old Glory 15mm, painted in acrylics and gloss varnished.

Tuesday 11 August 2015

Bavarian Generals

More summer painting - a batch of Bavarian Generals for Shako.  Old Glory 15mm figures.

British Line Infantry

Another battalion of 15mm British infantry, not based in time alas for the Waterloo anniversary but completed during summer hols (and wearing greatcoats - appropriate for the British summer weather...).  Essex figures.